Our Value Contribution
Our team has worked on the buy side, the sell side, and for credit rating agencies. We understand the needs and pain points of buy side institutions, and we have solutions to help our clients thrive through actionable credit intelligence and powerful technology.
- Asset Managers
- All-encompassing actionable credit intelligence to enhance performance and mitigate risks.
- Model Portfolios and Trade Books for idea generation.
- Daily risk monitoring through fundamental credit analysis and market-tested fixed income factors.
- Intra-day Event Flashes and interaction with analysts to evaluate idiosyncratic credit-impacting developments.
- Analytical tools for comprehensive portfolio management (covenants, financial models, earnings transcripts).
- SQN platform to boost alpha and to stay abreast of rapidly deteriorating credits and blowup situations.
- Wealth Managers and Private Banks
- Model Portfolios and Trade Books for ideas for investment committees.
- Daily risk monitoring through fundamental credit analysis and market-tested fixed income factors (SQN).
- Customized white label credit research for external distribution.
- SQN platform to efficiently manage the needs of a large client base across the entire workflow (portfolio construction, optimization, rebalancing, risk monitoring).
- Insurance, Pension and Sovereign Funds
- Fundamental, deep-dive single name analysis for timely and effective risk management.
- Regularly updated Model Portfolios with core, high conviction holdings and a long-term view.
- SQN platform to implement market cycle agnostic, systematic investing strategies for enhanced portfolio performance.
- Family Offices and Registered Investment Advisors
- Independent credit analysis and unbiased trade ideas to suit specific investment objectives.
- Model Portfolios and Trade Books for ideas to minimize dependence on banks and brokers.
- Greater control and more efficient allocation of own resources.
- SQN platform offering weekly rebalanced, optimized fixed income strategies (50+) to align own or client interests with outcomes.